
By starting therapy you’re courageously taking responsibility for yourself and acting on hope for a better life.

Our role is to help you sift through your thoughts, emotions, and patterns to get to what isn’t working for you, supporting you to make changes. Ultimately, this is a process of accepting who you really are, at your core, and intentionally shifting what doesn’t serve you anymore.

We all have one life and the biggest gift we can give ourselves is to live it the best we possibly can.

We consider it a privilege to walk beside you and guide you through this process of becoming the stronger and happier version of yourself.


Counselling with Christine     $150

What can be treated through counselling?

What can we work on together?

Anxiety: anxiety is a state of being, a learned response, a pattern. It tends to cause certain thoughts and characteristic feelings in the body. Through therapy, you can develop greater awareness to the ways that anxiety shows up for you and why. We’ll talk about your experience, but also what you can actually do about it to soothe your nervous system and regain control over your busy, analytical mind.

Relationship Patterns: we all develop “stories” about what relationships look and feel like, and how to “be” in them. Our earliest caregivers serve as models, which we either play out in our own relationships or actively try to become different from. Attachment style, intimate experiences, and various other factors (including anxiety, self-confidence, and beliefs about oneself) will impact the way you show up in relationship. Therapy can serve as a place to talk through your experiences, observe your patterns, and explore alternative possibilities. We also offer Couples Therapy, please book a consultation with Tracy if you are interested in exploring this.

Limiting Beliefs and Patterns: we all have beliefs that were formed during our early years about how we need to be in the world to stay safe and have our needs met. These beliefs are formed – or adopted from caregivers – so early in life and often serve as the foundation for what you believe about your own capabilities and potential. We can create shifts in your life by bringing awareness and then intentionally updating these core beliefs or patterns, so that you no longer feel like you’re holding yourself back.

Mood and Emotional Disturbances: moods and emotions can fluctuate naturally, but there comes a point when the experience feels too volatile or too extreme, and this is when support for mood and emotions is important. Thinking patterns can become disrupted, and we may begin to feel stuck or in shut down, unable to make the changes we so desperately wish for ourselves. We’ll explore mood and emotions through the helpful lens of the nervous system and use techniques that empower you to shift and sustain new ways of being. 

What type of therapy is offered?

Types of Sessions and Style of Therapist

Individual Therapy with Christine or intern therapists practicing under Christine’s supervision

Style: Just like personality, each therapist has their own style. Our therapists are known for warmth, compassion and understanding.

We invite you to book a consultation with the therapist you feel most called to work with, so that you can connect and see if it feels like a good fit for working together.

In my own experience in therapy, it was really the relationship with my therapist that made such an impact on me and allowed me to feel safe to explore myself deeply and honestly. Research also supports this: the therapeutic rapport between the client and therapist is one of the strongest predictors of successful outcomes in therapy. It’s really important to our team that our clients feel they can be themselves in therapy – talk openly, answer questions authentically, and feel free to express what you’re thinking and feeling. This is the type of safety that really allows introspection, discussion, trying on a new perspective, and exploring alternatives. 

Our team uses an eclectic approach, which really just means that we pull in perspectives and techniques when they are useful but do not operate from a single type of strategy as a therapist. This style is somewhat casual rather than prescriptive, with the belief that the best therapy is the one that meets the client where you are and is tailored to your unique needs.

What can I expect?

Confidentiality, sessions, scheduling, and how to prepare

What is the confidentiality policy? all aspects of client involvement will be held in utmost confidence in accordance with the ethical guidelines and standards of practice set out by the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers and the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario. Personally identifiable information regarding clients is not discussed or disclosed, directly or indirectly, without the prior consent of the client.

There are a few situations in which we are legally obliged to break confidentiality in order to protect the safety of a client or another individual. These include: Risk of harm to self or another person; Suspected child abuse or neglect for a minor under the age of 16 (We are legally obligated to report to Children’s Aid Society under the Child and Family Service Act); A court of law subpoenas clinical records regarding an incident (if possible, we will contact you before releasing any information).

Are all sessions held virtually? in-person therapy is available in St Catharines with Tracy or Christine. Our entire team is available for online sessions using a secure and private online platform. You will receive a link to use prior to your appointment.

How often will we meet? clients are seen either weekly or biweekly. Together, we’ll determine what frequency makes sense and arrange a time to meet that works for us both. 

How should I prepare for sessions? if you’re doing online sessions, please ensure that you are in a private and quiet space for your appointments, free of interruptions. This is important so that you feel free to speak openly without concern for others overhearing you. Because sessions are held virtually, you will need access to a computer or tablet as well as a good internet connection. 

How are appointments scheduled? we use a system called Jane that allows you to book, reschedule and cancel your appointments. You’ll be invited to create an account which will give you access to the schedule and other features including appointment reminders and forms.

What is the cancellation policy? Your appointment time is saved especially for you. A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a vacancy in the therapists’ day that could have been filled by another client. As such, if you are unable to attend the session, we require at least 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule the appointment. Missed appointments with less than 24 hours of notice will be charged at the full fee. The cancellation fee will only be waived in the event of a medical emergency requiring hospitalization, a death in the family, or a natural disaster.

Fees & Insurance Coverage

Fee Information, Reduced Cost Option & Insurance Coverage Information

Fee: $150 per session.

Is therapy covered by extended health benefits? many insurance policies and benefits plans do cover services provided by registered social workers and psychotherapists. Please check with your provider to confirm the details of your coverage. After your appointment, you will be provided with a receipt that can be submitted to your insurance for reimbursement. 

Do you offer reduced fee services? Yes. Our clinic includes graduate-level interns who provide therapy sessions for a reduced fee. This is an excellent option to access counselling at an affordable rate. A complimentary consultation with any of our therapists here.

What payment is accepted? payment can be made using e-transfer or credit card. Payment is due the same day as the session.

Do you charge HST? no, services are exempt from HST.